Treatment Prep


  • Avoid the use of Aspirin, NSAIDS, Blood Thinners (if medically cleared), Ginko Biloba, Garlic Supplements, Green Tea, Flax Oil, Fish Oil, and Vitamins A and E for up to 1 week pre and post injection as they will increase your risk of bruising. 
  • Do not drink alcoholic beverages 24 hours before (or after) your treatment to avoid extra bruising. 
  • You may take Arnica tablets 2-3 days prior to your injection to reduce the risk of bruising. 
  • Do not apply products that are potentially irritating for 24-48 hours before and after treatment (examples- tretinoin/retin-a, glycolic acid, benzoyl peroxide, hydroquinone). 
  • Begin anti-virals as prescribed by your primary care provider 2 days prior to treatment if you are receiving treatments around the mouth and are prone to cold sores. 
  • Please inform your provider prior to your appointment if you are pregnant, trying to conceive, or are breastfeeding.Wrinkle relaxers are contraindicated if you are pregnant/breastfeeding.
  • Please inform KCA if you have a history of neuromuscular or autoimmune disorders prior to your treatment.
  • Please complete your medical history forms and consents through the patient portal. Arrive with a clean face. Please do not wear makeup. 
  • Before pictures will be taken for documentation purposes. 
  • You may experience a mild amount of tenderness or stinging during, and following injection. Redness and swelling are normal. Some bruising may also be visible. You may use an ice pack after injections for swelling if needed. You may also use Arnica gel to injection sites to accelerate healing. 
  • Please be prepared to make a two week follow up to assess results and/or receive further dosing as needed for desired results. After treatment pictures will also be taken at this time. 
  • Botox/Dysport/Xeomin/Daxxify will start to work in 2-7 days and peak in about 2 weeks. Please note, if additional product is needed, it will not be injected until 14 days after your initial injection. 
  • Do not lie down for 4 hours post injection. 
  • Do not massage the treatment area. 
  • Do not do strenuous exercise for 24 hours following your injection. Low impact exercise is acceptable. 
  • Visible bumps may be seen at the injection sites. These are normal and may last up to a few hours. Bruising may happen in a small percentage of treatments 
  • Do not get a massage or facial for 2 weeks post injection. 
  • If the forehead was treated, do not wear a hat, helmet, or headband for at least 4 hours. 
  • You may cleanse your face normally the evening of, but please do not massage the injected area. Also, do not use any abrasive exfoliants or scrubs. 
  • Cosmetics, moisturizers, lotions may be used after 4 hours, but do not apply extreme pressure or do anything that may cause discomfort. 
  • Headache may be a possible side effect. Take Tylenol for your headache should it occur. 
  • Flu-like symptoms are rare but may last 2-3 days. Fluids, rest and Tylenol/Motrin may be used. 
  • Remember your sunscreen daily. 
  • Any symptoms or problems other than those listed above should be reported to Keenly Crafted Aesthetics immediately: 208-370-8383

  • Please schedule your injection appointment at least two to four weeks prior to a public event/appearance. 
  • For optimal results and to minimize the chance of bleeding and bruising, please avoid all blood-thinning medications and supplements prior to your appointment. This includes aspirin, NSAIDs, garlic, Vitamin E, ginkgo biloba, and fish oil. If you have a cardiovascular history, please check with your provider prior to stopping aspirin or other blood thinners. 
  • Avoid alcohol at least 24-72 hours prior to and after your treatment to help minimize bruising and swelling. 
  • You may start sublingual Arnica tablets 1-2 weeks prior to treatment to help minimize bruising. 
  • If you are receiving a lip augmentation procedure or treatment around the mouth, and are prone to herpatic outbreaks/cold sores, please inform your primary care provider to begin antiviral treatment 2 days prior to treatment. 
  • Avoid topical products such as Tretinoin (Retin-A) retinols, retinoids, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid, and any "anti-aging" products for two days before and after treatment. 
  • Avoid strenuous exercise 24 hours prior to and after your dermal filler appointment. 
  • No dental procedures two weeks before or after your appointment, if receiving lip enhancement. 
  • Please inform Keenly Crafted if you have any allergies or previous reactions to lidocaine as some products are mixed with lidocaine and an alternate product will need to be used. 
  • Do not use dermal fillers if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. 
  • Please inform your injector if any history of autoimmune or neurological/neuromuscular disorders. 
  • Please hydrate well 24 hours prior to your treatment. 
  • For lip enhancement, please purchase a new tube of Aquaphor, Vaseline, or lip balm for aftercare. 

  • Please complete your medical history questionnaire and sign consent forms through your patient portal. 
  • Please come to your appointment with a clean face, no moisturizer or makeup. 
  • Before pictures will be taken for documentation and consultative purposes. 
  • Anesthetics will be offered prior to your treatments. For lip enhancement, regional anesthetic is also offered to minimize discomfort. 
  • Bruising and swelling are an expected temporary side effect. Ice packs may be offered for your comfort post treatment. 
  • If you are known to swell, may take famotidine (Pepcid) and certrizine (Zyrtec) 30 minutes prior to your appointment. You may also take acetaminophen/Tylenol an hour prior to your procedure to minimize discomfort. 
  • Please make sure to schedule your two week follow up appointment for post-treatment assessment, further enhancement if desired, and for after treatment photographs.

  • Swelling, redness, firmness, itching and tenderness may be present for up to two weeks. Use of cool packs may be used as needed. 
  • Sleep with your head elevated to reduce the amount of swelling for the first 24-48 hours. 
  • Do not massage or put pressure on the treated area, unless instructed by your provider.
  • Wait 24 hours to apply cosmetics, moisturizer or any lotions on the area. Please use new/clean chapstick/lipstick on lip enhancement. 
  • Avoid direct sunlight/UV light and extreme cold weather until initial swelling and/or redness has subsided. Remember sunscreen daily. 
  • Do not do heavy aerobic exercise or do anything to raise your core body temperature or blood pressure for 24 hours. 
  • The results will be immediate, but best effects are noted after swelling has resolved.
  • Tylenol may be used as directed for any discomfort after injection. 
  • Cetirizine HCL 10 mg (Zyrtec) and Famotidine 20 mg (Pepcid) may be taken as directed to reduce swelling. 
  • Lumps, bumps or irregular, asymmetrical areas may be noted, especially once swelling has subsided. It is normal to feel these lumps and bumps; however, they should not be visible. These irregularities resolve within 2-3 weeks. Contact your provider if ongoing. 
  • Any severe swelling, itching, redness, increasing discomfort, pain, or discharge from the treated area should be reported to your injector ASAP. 
  • Maintenance treatments are required to maintain the desired level of correction. 
  • It can take up to TWO-FOUR weeks for swelling and any bruising to subside. If additional filler is desired in an area of previous treatment, it is required you to wait until the 2 weeks has passed. 
  • If previously injected filler is dissolved, it is required to wait 2 weeks prior to further injection of dermal filler. 
  • Please wait a minimum of 4 weeks before any other skin care or laser treatments. 
  • Please call Keenly Crafted Aesthetics with any questions or concerns at 208-370-8383

Expect swelling and tenderness for 48 – 72 hours. Possible bruising may last 7 days. You may apply cold/ice packs to treated areas for the first 24 hours to minimize swelling. Arnica gel may be used to massage the areas to help reduce bruising and swelling. Normal activities may be resumed immediately following treatment. Makeup may be applied 24 hours after treatment. Avoid sun exposure until swelling has resolved.

It is important to massage treated areas 5 times a day for 5 minutes for 5 days to distribute the solution and help prevent nodule formation – unless instructed not to. This may be uncomfortable for the first couple of days, but it is still necessary. The easiest time to massage is when the face is moistened with cleanser or moisturizer/arnica.

Schedule your next appointment in 2-3 months to determine if additional treatments are needed. Most patients require a minimum of two treatments. Results may begin to appear 4-6 weeks after treatment and will gradually improve for up to 12 months. Results last up to 2-3 years after initial treatment.

Average dosing is one per decade of life, for example, a 50 year old person may require 5 vials of Sculptra split over 2-3 treatments. 

A possible side effect can be the delayed appearance of tiny nodules under the skin, which can appear 6-12 months after treatment. They are palpable, but not visible and development can be minimized by following the post treatment massage instructions. Any worsening or prolonged symptoms should be reported to your provider. 

DO’S - Massage treated areas for 5 min x 5 times daily x for 5 days. Prop yourself upright with a pillow for sleep the first couple of nights after treatment. Do be patient, and believe in the process. It is normal to look as you did before treatment once the swelling subsides, collagen will gradually begin to restore volume and improve skin quality.. 

DON’TS- Don’t drink alcohol 3-4 days prior to your treatment to prevent bruising. Do not drink alcohol for at least 24 hours post treatment, as this will cause further inflammation/swelling. Instead, relax and hydrate. Don’t take fish oil/aspirin/ibuprofen or supplements known to thin your blood for 7 days prior to your treatment. Don’t exercise for 24 hours post treatment. No hot tub, sauna, pools, or hot springs for 48 hours post treatment. 

Please call Jessica Keen, NP at Keenly Crafted Aesthetics at 208-370-8383 if you have any emergent questions or concerns. If additional questions or concerns that are not urgent, please email at

  • Avoid excessive sun exposure/burns one week prior to procedure
  • Discontinue use of topical retinoids/retinol 7 days prior to procedure
  • Allow at least 24 hours after autoimmune therapies before microneedling treatment
  • If you have used oral isotretinoin (Accutane), you must wait at least 6 months after last use. Please notify your provider prior to your treatment if it has been less than 6 months since the last Accutane dose. 
  • If you have an active breakout or open lesion, procedure may be rescheduled  
  • If you have purchased the Alastin Skincare Microneedling Prep, Skin Nectar, or the DTOX prep serum, begin using twice a day at least 5-7 days prior to your treatment. 
  • Wear SPF daily
  • Come to your appointment with a clean face. Please remove any makeup prior to your procedure. If you have a full-face of makeup, this takes several minutes to remove and can run into your treatment time, potentially preventing a fully completed treatment or effecting successful results. 
  • The procedure and goals of treatment will be reviewed prior to treatment, ensuring consent is signed. Photos will be taken for the medical record. 
  • Topical numbing cream will be applied to minimize discomfort during the procedure. 
  • Please let your provider know if you have an allergy to lidocaine, benzocaine, or tetracaine.
  • The procedure will last 30-60 minutes depending on areas being treated. If your treatment includes PRP, please allow an additional 20 minutes. 
  • Your face, neck, and chest are included in the treatment. Please notify your provider if you would not like your neck or chest treated. 
  • Exosomes will be applied post treatment, as well as additional post-care. Exosomes are released from stem cells and have so many benefits! They help you recover faster, help amplify your regenerative results, and are plant based. Keenly Crafted believes in the SUPERPOWER of exosomes so much, they are automatically included in your treatment and are part of you pre and post care.
  • Your skin will feel like a moderate sunburn, this will improve over the next 1-5 days.
  • SkinPen is clinically backed and generally well tolerated with dryness, tightness, redness, itching, and tenderness being the most common side effects. If experienced, these effects generally resolve by day 6 post procedure.
  • You will have a generous layer of Exosomes and Alastin Skin Nectar applied post treatment. 
  • The first 24 hours post microneedling are the most important for post-procedure care. Do not apply any other skin products for the first 24 hours, other than what you have been provided by your provider - Repair to be used or 5 days post treatment.  
  • Avoid sun exposure, pets, touching your face, and wearing a mask for the first 24 hours if able. Not following these recommendations does increase risk of granuloma/infection.
  • If you have purchased Alastin Skin Nectar, you will continue to use it twice daily for two weeks following your procedure. Then set aside for your next treatment session. Recommend transitioning to Alastin Restorative Skin Complex after you have completed your Nectar treatment. If you are not using Alastin, instructions on aftercare will be discussed prior to you leaving your appointment. 
  • Do not apply any active ingredients, like Vitamin C, for 72 hours or until skin is no longer pink. Do not apply retinoids/retinol for 30 days post microneedling.
  • Recommend no sweaty exercise or sun exposure for 72 hours post procedure.
  • Avoid other aesthetic facial treatments for 2-4 weeks post procedure, including peels, facials, and injectables.
  • If you are completing a series of microneedling treatments, schedule your next procedure for 4-6 weeks post procedure.
  • Please contact Jessica Keen, NP with Keenly Crafted Aesthetics if any questions or concerns post-procedure. Contact the office at 208-370-8383 or email
The goal of this procedure is the gradual reduction of sun damage, pigment, redness, rosacea, flushing, and facial vessels.Every individual is unique, and it is very difficult to guarantee a specific number of treatments needed. It is expected that you may require an average of 3 to 5 treatments for the area treated.

Prior to booking your treatment, please see the following contraindications in which you may not be a candidate for treatment or treatment may need to be delayed:
  • Tanned skin (active or passive, such as a spray tan) 
  • Accutane taken in last 6 months 
  • History of keloid scarring 
  • Any abnormal or undiagnosed pigmentation 
  • Atypical moles or malignancy 
  • Non-intact skin (i.e. sores, psoriasis, eczema, infection, rash) 
  • Recent chemical or mechanical peeling in treatment area (within 2 weeks) 
  • Laser resurfacing in treatment area within 3 months 
  • Any medical condition involving impairment of skin structure 
  • Poorly controlled diabetes 
  • Pregnancy 
Please contact Keenly Crafted immediately if you have any of the contraindications listed, as your appointment may be required to be canceled or rescheduled.

  • Please come to your appointment with a completely clean face 
  • Please hold tretinoin, retinol, salicylic and glycolic acids, for 3-5 days prior to treatment. 
  • No active tanning (14 days). No self tanner 14 days prior to treatment.
  • You are required to be using an SPF of 30 or greater in order to be a candidate for this laser treatment. If you are not already using sunscreen daily (rain or shine, inside or outside), please let your provider know so that we can establish an SPF routine prior to treatment. 
  • Make sure to disclose all vitamin supplements and prescription medications to your provider
  • Post-treatment it is normal to have a mild-moderate looking sunburn. This will gradually improve over the next 24-48 hours. 
  • You may experience some mild swelling to the treatment area, especially in areas of greater vascularity. 
  • You may apply a cold press for 5 minutes several times a day to help improve swelling. 
  • Sleeping upright the first 24 hours may help reduce swelling.
  • It is CRUCIAL to apply SPF of 30 or greater EVERY day, no matter what. AVOID direct sun for 2-4 weeks after your treatment. 
  • If you have purchased Alastin Skin Nectar, please apply twice a day for 3-5 days. 
  • No retinols, Vit A, retinoids, Vit C, or other active ingredients for 2 weeks post treatment. If doing a series of laser facials, hold retinols until you have completed your series. 
  • If you are doing a series, make sure to schedule your next visit in 3-4 weeks. 
  • If any questions or concerns, please contact Keenly Crafted at 208-370-8383 or via email at
Pure Volume is a natural alternative to filler for volume replacement. It utilizes your own body’s innate ability to heal itself while also providing instant volume. A small blood draw is required. We then seperate the red and white blood cells from your platelets and plasma through centrifuge. We then heat and cool part of your plasma to make a gel, and then mix your platelet rich plasma with the gel. This is how we obtain a natural, no additives, filler that contains your own growth and healing factors. We can achieve full facial balancing with this treatment. You will most likely need two treatments, spaced 2-3 months apart. 

  • Please avoid NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, Aleve, Advil, etc for 3-5 days prior to your appointment. 
  • Please notify your provider if you have any history of cold sores. as you may require prophylactic antiviral medication prior to your appointment. 
  • Please notify your provider if any history of bleeding disorder, liver problems, cancer, platelet dysfunction, or an active infection. 
  • Please arrive to your appointment with a clean face. Please eat a meal or a snack prior to your appointment, and come well hydrated. 

Do NOT touch, press, rub, or manipulate the treated area (s) for at least 8 hours after your treatment.
Avoid vigorous scrubs, exfoliation or facial treatment in the area of treatment for at least 2 weeks. If you have any questions or concerns about lumps or bumps, please call your provider's office before taking matters into your own hands.
Sleep on your back with your head elevated for two days.
You may wash or take a shower 6 hours post treatment.

  • Intense exercise, sauna, or swimming for at least 48 hours.
  • Aspirin, Motrin, Ibuprofen, Aleve (all non-steroidal and steroidal anti-inflammatory agents), Gingko Biloba, Garlic, Flax Oil, Cod liver Oil, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, or any other essential fatty acids at least 3 days - 1week prior to and after your treatment.

Remember, we are creating inflammation, so let your body’s immune system do what it needs to.

If you experience discomfort or pain you may take Tylenol or other Acetaminophen products if you are not allergic to them.

No icing post injection. The inflammation from the procedure is necessary to produce the results we are looking for. 

If you have any areas that are increasing in pain and redness after 24 hours, please call your provider’s office immediately. Swelling and tenderness are normal but should get progressively better. If anything is getting worse or extreme, it may be a sign of infection or occlusion, and must be dealt with immediately. Please call Keenly Crafted at 208-370-8383 or email if any questions or concerns. 
ATTIVA S.I.H is a minimally invasive in-office Radiofrequency (RF) treatment for the face, neck, and body. RF stimulates collagen and elastin production and can be used as a stand-alone treatment or used in combination with other modalities. The ATTIVA S.I.H provides the precision required to customize the results on patients of all ages and skin types.

7-days prior to treatment:
  • Stop taking multivitamins and any other blood thinning agents such as Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Niacin, Essential Fatty Acids such as Flax or Cod Liver Oil, and Garlic.
  • Avoid aspirin, Advil, Motrin Ibuprofen, Naproxen, Voltaren and other anti-inflammatory medications. Tylenol may be taken for any pain.
  • If you are taking any blood thinners, please let your provider know immediately, as they may represent a contraindication to this treatment. These medications include Plavix, Coumadin and Heparin.
  • If you have a history of cold sores, please inform our office as you may need a prescription prior to treatment.
  • Discontinue Retin A or other exfoliant products to avoid increased irritation.
  • If not already, start taking Vitamin C supplement for collagen upregulation.
  • Start taking Arnica supplements to prevent bruising.This can be found at pharmacies, grocery stores, and Amazon. 

2-days prior to treatment:
  • Avoid alcohol, niacin supplements and cigarettes 48-hours prior to treatment.
  • An oral anti-inflammatory medication and antibiotics may be prescribed for 3-7 days, if necessary

  •  Arrive without makeup.
  • Hydrate and eat a healthy meal before your appointment.

  • A topical numbing cream is applied to numb the skin and minimize discomfort during treatment. Lidocaine injections may also be used to minimize discomfort. You may feel some discomfort during the numbing injections.
  • Once the area is numb, skin is cleansed prior to treatment.
  • The ATTIVA S.I.H device is inserted under the skin to deliver the targeted radiofrequency energy while the temperature is monitored internally and externally.
  • The device is a thin micro-cannula which delivers heat to cause contraction of the tissue.
  • While there is no pain during the treatment, you may feel a warming and or pressure sensation during the treatment.

Immediately after treatment you may experience redness, swelling and tenderness in the treated areas. These reactions are normal and resolve quickly and spontaneously over the next 7-10 days.

Hydrated skin and a hydrated body does best for optimal results. We recommend starting a hyaluronic acid serum, we love Hydrinity restorative serum. 1-2 weeks before treatment. Recommend hydrating with electrolyte water starting 2 days prior to treatment. Hold all active ingredients including, retinol, acids, etc. 5-7 days prior to treatment. No direct sun exposure the week before and also no artificial color or spray tans a week before. Arrive to your appointment with a clean face or area being treated. If intimate, fresh shave the day before. 
Hydration is key. Use a gentle cleanser, hydrating serum and gentle moisturizer until skin is back to normal, SPF everyday. You will have red dots in columns on your face after treatment. These will fade/bronze over the next 3-7 days. Expect mild/moderate flaking around day 3-7. You can cover/ wear makeup the following day as we have not punctured the skin in any way. Avoid hot showers, saunas, hot tubs, vigorous exercise/ sweating for 48 hours. If you are doing a series, make sure your next treatment is scheduled 4-6 weeks apart. 

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